
Sunday, May 02, 2021

All Quiet On The Western Front

 Required reading in college English, and it might have also been in high school, too. Its acclaim speaks for itself. It is clearly against the horrors and wastes of war. I read it back in the '70s, but who can immediately remember everything?

Remarque wrote several other books, but this one stood out. I once found a collection of his books at a used bookstore just off Broadway in San Antonio, but had to pass for lack of funds and time. It was during my South Texas sportswriting days when I didn't have much energy once a workday ended, usually.

I think it was a good selection for required reading in those early 20s years. With a lot of people at that time, it is often a choice, or not, between the classroom or the parade ground. Remarque demonstrated a strong talent for proper words and timing.


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